Monday, October 5, 2009


The topic about black women putting synthetic hair extensions is a hair raising issue – pun intended. The stereotypes that black women with weaves are subjected to are unbeweaveable!….I hope you got that or you want me to comb again? Jokes aside the decision of whether to weave or not to weave is a very cultural, ethic and race charged issue….and I am faced with such decision.

When I was in high school and first year of varsity I became obsessed with hair.Hair was synonymous with beauty.My favourite pastime was brushing my hair and trying different hairstyles and referencing my favourite Hollywood stars. The Naomi Campbell middle parting was my fave.
I must say having long gorgeous hair got me so many compliments and that boosted my confidence. I heard the “you are so pretty” line so many times it was nauseating sometimes.I appreciated the genuine compliments but ,I did not feel the prettiness!
I reached a point where I needed to delve into my inner beauty. While on the journey of inner self discovery it made sense for me to completely forget how I look like on the exterior, AKA India Arie’s I am not my hair. The main reason I decided to cut my hair and go "au naturale" is because I wanted to prove a point to myself, I was in a quest to figure out who this VuyokaziVK” really woman is? Unlike the bible parable of Samson who was dis empowered when his “mistress” Delilah cut his hair, I evolved into this fierce, confident woman…I felt emancipated!

Cutting my hair was the bestest decision I have ever made because I did it for me! I learnt to appreciate other things about myself and now I KNOW FOR SURE THAT I AM BEAUTIFUL! inside and out.

"Just VK"on beauty:
I now know that I have more to offer the world than my outside beauty, I can be a great friend, I am funny, I love giving , I love reading and interacting with other people etc... I realised that “outside beauty does not bestow any brainess or goodiness”. Beauty is not something I try to achieve by putting hair extensions and make up, its who I am every day- without even trying.
Bruce Springsteen from the book Bitch wrote “Beauty is not after all worth anything more that beauty”. That means that on its own beauty is useless. I know beautiful people who are hostile, mean and who can not critically think or even think.
I am aware of the fact I do not live in my private island and the society I am in considers beauty as powerful and my experience might be different from other woman. Beauty can excite love and it can also incite hate and haters I have. I had and still have haters from Grahamstown to Kazakhstan. But I have learnt an important lesson: the “hateration” has nothing to do with me- see a psychologist.

Now that I know who VuyokaziVK” is and that I have so much more to offer than my beauty. I do not think it would cause harm to my soul to have a weave.After having short hair for almost two years of my young adult life I feel that the time is ripe for me to experiment with ‘em weaves.
I want long luxurious locks, shiny, black with bouncy curls- the glam look with a bit of “VK” (edge) and I am going to flaunt it like its going out of style. I have a friend she loves her hair so much, she calls it her superpower –she even has a sound effect for when she flips her weaves.

I am not sure which brands are good quality, ladies help me out here- no highly flammable plastic, please
If people ask me whether its mine, I will say yes and then proudly show them the proof of purchase- receipt.
And if you call me weaverine its ok, I know that I am being JUST VK!

check out the trailor of the movie good hair :